Lou's Blog

The Greatest Good you can do...


Hello beautiful people…

Lou Corleto here and I’m super excited to take off tomorrow for annual retreat Swimming with Wild Dolphins. We have an amazing group coming from all over the world. Literally; Germany, Australia, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Italy, all over the states. California, Massachusetts, Atlanta, New York, (a ton from New York) and a couple from Tennessee believe it or not.

 So yeah anyway, I’m really stoked for that. And while I was prepping for that, I came across his beautiful thought that I love from Benjamin Disraeli which says “the greatest good you can do for another is to not to share your riches, but to reveal to him or her their own”.

 So that's a thought for today. How can you inspire somebody when a friend or family member, a lover, a colleague or coworker to reveal to them their riches and their riches, however you define that, their heart, their intellect, their humor, their craziness, their wildness, their love of...

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What is your 'When Story'?


Hello, beautiful people...

Lou Corleto again with another round of High Performance tips.

 Today’s concept, I just had a coaching client and we got into the concept of your 'When Story'.

What is your When Story? What I mean by that is...

"I'll do that when I do that when I write a book"

"I'll do that when I make more money"

"I'll do that when I retire"

"I'll do that when the kids leave the house"

"I’ll do that when I find my soulmate"

 I'll do that when.. when... when...

What is your When Story?

We all have them, some are still playing out in your life. I have many that played out in my life. And 'When Stories' delay our life expression, either temporarily or permanently.

So take a moment to reflect on what 'When Story' you might have running in your head. That story that we lie to ourselves to stop us from stepping forward to the fullness of our life expression - your next level if you will.

As the great Les Brown says "you don't have to be great to get started...

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