Lou's Blog

What's your buoyancy compensation device?


With this beautiful background, I thought I'd bring up the concept from physics called buoyancy, or upthrust.  Buoyancy is a principle of an upward force exerted by a fluid opposing the weight of an immersed object. That's why boats, you, and I float.

In scuba diving, you see the scuba divers that wear these vests, right? So when divers go down, after a certain depth, we become negatively buoyant, and we just keep sinking. So those vests allow us to put air in them to compensate for that which is why they are called buoyancy compensating devices.
Therefore, we can just hang out, wherever that is, 80 feet, 100 feet, and boom, just sit in neutral and hover in the water without any effort, no kicking, no swimming, just there. Because you're in a fluid. So without this, we're negatively buoyant, and we just keep sinking.

Let's take that concept out of physics and from scuba diving and into your life. Where do you have a buoyancy compensation device for you, so you don't get pulled...

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#4- Reconnect to Your Spirit & Strength Series


#4 and the last in the Reconnect to Your Spirit & Strength Series

I recently presented to a yoga teacher training a group, soon-to-be yoga instructors. I covered a lot of topics, but one of them has popped up that I wanted to share with you now, and that was the concept of potential versus expression.

If you recall for decades the scientific dominant model of genetics Genetic determinism,  which says that the genotype completely determines the phenotype, that is, the genes completely determine how an organism turns out.

Along comes a brand new science called epigenetics, which changed all of that. 
From Harvard University...

"Recent research demonstrates that there may be ways to reverse certain negative changes and restore healthy functioning. "

“Epigenetics” is an emerging area of scientific research that shows how environmental influences—children’s experiences—actually affect the expression of their genes. This...

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Expressing your genetic potential?


I recently presented to a yoga teacher training a group, soon-to-be yoga instructors. I covered a lot of topics, but one of them has popped up that I wanted to share with you now, and that was the concept of potential versus expression.
If you recall for decades the scientific dominant model of genetics Genetic determinism,  which says that the genotype completely determines the phenotype, that is, the genes completely determine how an organism turns out.

Along comes a brand new science called epigenetics, which changed all of that. 
From Harvard University...

"Recent research demonstrates that there may be ways to reverse certain negative changes and restore healthy functioning. "

“Epigenetics” is an emerging area of scientific research that shows how environmental influences—children’s experiences—actually affect the expression of their genes. This means the old idea that genes are “set in stone” has been...

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