Lou's Blog

The Quickest Way to Shift Your Psychology


Did you know you’re basically a mind reader? Your innate intuition is incredible and you’re capable of seeing much more than what’s simply on the surface. Don’t believe me? Take a look at today’s video and I’ll prove it to you.

You’ll see how well you are able to see what’s really inside a person—and as you realize that, you’ll also learn how easy it is to change what’s inside, and outside, in yourself.

Today, I want to share with you:

  • How your physicality and physiology affect your psychology
  • What you can actually do to change your psychology (and how you feel!)
  • Simple tools to radically shift your state of being

It’s time for you to learn how your body works and how your body and physicality can impact your inner wellbeing so quickly, and easily.

So, if you want me to prove to you that you can read minds—and why that’s an important thing to know—watch my video above!


To reclaim...

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#4- Reconnect to Your Spirit & Strength Series


#4 and the last in the Reconnect to Your Spirit & Strength Series

I recently presented to a yoga teacher training a group, soon-to-be yoga instructors. I covered a lot of topics, but one of them has popped up that I wanted to share with you now, and that was the concept of potential versus expression.

If you recall for decades the scientific dominant model of genetics Genetic determinism,  which says that the genotype completely determines the phenotype, that is, the genes completely determine how an organism turns out.

Along comes a brand new science called epigenetics, which changed all of that. 
From Harvard University...

"Recent research demonstrates that there may be ways to reverse certain negative changes and restore healthy functioning. "

“Epigenetics” is an emerging area of scientific research that shows how environmental influences—children’s experiences—actually affect the expression of their genes. This...

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#3- Reconnect to Your Spirit & Strength Series


Bom Dia do Brasil, Hello beautiful people, good day from Brazil, this is Lou Corleto, you might not be able to see me because I'm probably silhouetted with the beautiful ocean in the back.

And I'm standing next to these beautiful vibrance plant species. And the reason I'm in this shot right now is that this morning, I had this great experience that I want to share with you. As you can see behind me, the ocean is gorgeous. And these waves were coming in. And I love body surfing. So body Surfing is just like surfing without the board, catching waves, and riding it in.

What was amazing is that some of these waves just looked fantastic. They were large and big, and they were starting to come forward with a size that would normally carry me right to the shore. But they had no substance. As soon as I paddled a few times, they just kind of melted past me.

And it just dawned on me how that's a metaphor for life with people.

How many people do you know (maybe even yourself at times) I sure...

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Reconnect to Your Spirit & Strength Series #2


I have an important question for you.

When did God die?

God, however you define that:  God, Goddess, The Divine, Universal Intelligence, Nature, Spirit, Mother Nature, the All, LOVE or Cookie Monster- That force that animates the LIVING world, however you define that.

When did God die and leave healing up to one profession?
I did NOT get the memo.

When did humanity give up its connection and trust in the power that animates the living world, that runs the universe?

The same power that's inside your body, causes trees to grow, and the planets to rotate around each other.  When did humanity choose 'man' and his little chemistry set over this innate power, when?

When do we give the authority to the CDC? Right, first of all, the Centers for Disease Control. That's all they do is focus on disease. Where's the Center for Health Expression?  Health & vitality expression?

Where's the Center for Health expression? That'd be nice. Right? The World Health...

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Reconnect to Your Spirit & Strength Series #1


In this first video, I'm here to take that concept of what other stories have we been sold as a 'distraction' around our capacities?

Well, one of them now is about you and your strength and your ability of your body to do anything that it's capable of, in the sense of performance, especially health and healing. Also around designing your life the way you want.

Stories, we've been given as distractions. So I'm asking you to take a breath and really decide who's writing your life script?
The stories outside of your life, or your own internal story?
Are you living by the beat of their own drum or somebody else's tune?

So, I invite you to join me, May 13, to 16 at my TAO-LIVING RETREAT, (The Art Of Living where we're going to really tap into your inner environment and eradicate the stories that work against your greatness.

We're going to work on your psychology, we're going to work on your physiology, so you are running full tilt to achieve the life of your dreams.

And until next...

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Expressing your genetic potential?


I recently presented to a yoga teacher training a group, soon-to-be yoga instructors. I covered a lot of topics, but one of them has popped up that I wanted to share with you now, and that was the concept of potential versus expression.
If you recall for decades the scientific dominant model of genetics Genetic determinism,  which says that the genotype completely determines the phenotype, that is, the genes completely determine how an organism turns out.

Along comes a brand new science called epigenetics, which changed all of that. 
From Harvard University...

"Recent research demonstrates that there may be ways to reverse certain negative changes and restore healthy functioning. "

“Epigenetics” is an emerging area of scientific research that shows how environmental influences—children’s experiences—actually affect the expression of their genes. This means the old idea that genes are “set in stone” has been...

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Easter Sunrise Ceremony


In this post, I pose a VERY important question to you...

'When did GOD die and leave healing to one profession'?
(or a government agency for that matter?)

When did humanity give up its TRUST / FAITH in the power that animates the living world for man and his chemistry set?

When did you lose sight of the FACT that you were designed to be healthy and whole from inside-out (NOT outside-in)

Watch the video and learn what you can do to re-engage in your own healing possibilities.

Even better, join me May 13-16, 2021 for an intimate gathering of 15 people on a 92-acre retreat property in the Cherokee National forest.

Click here for details - The Art of Living Retreat

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How Focusing on Your Message Helps You Overcome Fear


What do you focus on: your vision, your message, or your fears?
It’s incredibly easy to set your sight on your fears and let your insecurities get the best of you—when you keep your eyes on your fears.

In reality, there’s also a way to shift your focus, so you can walk in strength and power.

I want to share with you my experience working with an incredibly successful professional who was suddenly put into the realm where he needed to do presentations to deliver a specific message. Even though he is very successful in all other realms of his business, when he was asked to include the speaking component, terror showed up in his life.

But as we peeled off the layers and processed his fear together, he was able to completely refocus and overcome his fear.

In today’s video, I want to show you:

  • How you can shift your focus so fear does not win over you
  • The importance of your message
  • How when your WHY is big enough, the HOW doesn’t really matter

I want you...

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Lessons on Life and Fear from a 117-Year-Old Nun


I recently watched an interview with the second oldest person on the planet, Sister André, a 117-year-old nun from France who lived through the great flu pandemic of 1918, two world wars, and most recently, the coronavirus.

 As I heard Sister André speak, answering whether or not she was afraid of the illness—or of dying—something triggered inside of me, and I want to trigger that inside of you… because this woman knows the secret to living fully.

 In today’s video, I want to show you:

  • Two key lessons we can learn from Sister André to ultimately lose the fear of dying
  • How to show up fully in life, whatever comes your way
  • The importance of perspective

 We’re living in a world that’s feeding a certain narrative to anyone who listens—a narrative that you should go through life walking on eggshells, and that’s not how we’re made to live. You are strong and full of vitality and potential and you...

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Why You Need to Learn to Feel Again


As you probably know, anxiety and depression are massively on the rise, increasing more and more each year—even more so now, with the narrative that’s been fed to everybody in the past year. Now, to help cope with anxiety and depression, statistics show that 13% of people (that's close to 43 million people) over 12 years of age will use antidepressants. Not to heal—but to cope.

But did you know that a 2019 study in The Lancet (one of the world's oldest and best-known general medical journals) also shows that depressive symptoms were only 5% lower for people who took SSRI's -antidepressants? 

Yes, these drugs have been lifesavers for some people, especially those with severe depression… but is this the best we can do? Is this all you can do?

In today’s video, I want to show you:

  • How you can use breathing as a tool to set you free from all sorts of issues, including depression.
  • The power of emotions to help you overcome depression and anxiety.
  • How...
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